Monday, October 6, 2008

10-2-08 Thursday Week Five

The class after the reading and Prof. Row is back (yeah!) but not in the best health (boo). We had a guest speaker a recent TCNJ alum who was working in the field of "arts management". I am grateful to Prof.Row for setting this situation up because honestly that is what graduating seniors want to know. How do you actually get a job? And what kind of Jobs are there? The speaker was a sweet guy and very nice to come back and talk to us. I did not know that there were master programs like the one he described it was educational and interesting.

I think I'm just going to get married and have a child when I graduate. I love school and using my mind and fighting to be the quickest and the sharpest. I love ideas and arguing and analyzing and understanding the world in a deeper way through reading/writing. But that deepness can also feel superficial, like an idea is never going to be tangible. You can never snuggle it. You can never dress it up in little baby clothes and smell its little head. Babies you can do this with.

I need a break from the abstract and four to five years of being a wife and a mother and then Ill go get my five year masters in "the complex administrative maneging of the theoretical and rhetorical arts", except by then it wont be called that, and everyone will be doing something else, and Ill be 28, an old fart. Just kidding.

Who knows what the future will bring us. But it was really great to hear from a man just recently in my place, and the shape his path has taken so far.

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